J-1 Camp Counselor Program

The Camp Counselor Program enables post-secondary students, youth workers, teachers and applicants with specialized skills to share their culture and ideas with the people of the United States in camp settings throughout the country. Participants in the program receive pay and benefits, such as meals and accommodation, commensurate to their American counterparts at the camps. The programs vary in length depending on the season of the camp with a maximum program duration of 4 months. After the program is complete, participants have 30 days to travel and explore the United States before they need to depart the country.

America offers a broad range of camps with different focuses such as sports, outdoor activities, cultural and religious emphases, gender specific, arts and crafts or any combination thereof! There is undoubtedly the perfect camp for you depending on your skills and interests. The only common denominator is that you must be enthusiastic about working with children and interested in exploring America!


 Eligibility Criteria

Interested applicants must be able to provide proof of the following in order to participate in the program:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older.

  • Fluency in English, as determined by an English interview conducted by an Odyssey International Camp staff member. Additionally, each applicant must have an interview and receive an offer from an Odyssey-approved partner camp.

  • Proof of your status as a youth worker, student, teacher, or individual with specialized skills. Please see the FAQ for more information on what constitutes a specialized skill.

  • At least two references from a current or past employer or teacher attesting to your suitability to participate in the program. If you are qualifying based on a specialized skill, at least one of your references should focus on your skill.

  • Arrival funds in the amount of a minimum of $700USD to be used if needed.

  • Criminal background check from your home country dated within the last 6 months.

Application Process

Step 1:

Secure an offer from a camp in the U.S. There are several options for securing an offer:

  • Odyssey International Camp can match you with one of our partner camps across the U.S. You may apply here.

  • You can employ the services of an agent in your home country who specializes in connecting applicants with camps in the U.S. This may be a good option if you have a specific camp or type of camp you want to work with that Odyssey does not.

    • IMPORTANT: If you choose to use an agent to secure your offer, the company must be an approved partner of Odyssey otherwise we cannot sponsor your program. Please contact Odyssey for a list of approved partners before you choose an agent.

  • You can secure an offer on your own directly with a camp in the U.S.

Step 2:

Submit your application documents to Odyssey International Camp.

Here is a map of the different regions where Odyssey International Camp sponsors camp exchanges. You can begin by thinking about what part of the U.S. you are interested in, then we can begin suggesting some camps! 

Step 3:

Secure your J-1 Visa at the U.S. Embassy and book your travel! Odyssey will walk you through the embassy interview process to give you the best chance of securing your visa. Once you receive your visa, you will coordinate with your host camp on the who, what, where, and when of your arrival.

What To Expect

After you receive your J-1 Visa, you will coordinate the details of your arrival with Odyssey and your camp. Most camps will have several days before campers arrive for new counselor orientation where you will learn the camp rules and expectations as well as the fun stuff like camp songs and activities. Most camps last approximately 9 weeks with new campers arriving every 7 days. You will be the leader of your group of campers and responsible for ensuring they have a great experience while making sure they stay safe. You will also lead specific activities for campers throughout the day. One day you may be teaching beginner archery and the next judging a cannonball competition at the lake!

Your accommodation and food will be provided by your camp free of charge. Keep in mind that this is a “camp” so you should expect open-air cabins, sleeping bags, and simple but healthy child friendly food choices. You will be paid between $1,500 - $2,000 for the average 9-week program, commensurate with your American counterparts. As part of your orientation, you will need to apply for a social security number so you can be paid.

At the completion of your program, you will have 30 days to remain in the U.S. to travel and explore! We highly encourage you to take advantage of this grace period and visit all the sites you can before returning home.